Rebooted! With Jekyll!

You’ll notice that things here have changed, all of the old stuff is gone. Sorry to everyone who ever decided to look at my measly posts. They don’t actually have any content that anyone is interested in, and I’m not really interested in porting all of the old content over, some of it will move, most of it will not.

I made the decision to move to jekyll. I was thinking about it and I realized that I really didn’t want to deal with the whole CMS thing, I want simple, easy to update, versionable, testable. Managing my site as a git repo makes it much easier for me to mess around with stuff without effecting what’s up online.

So what am I going to put here? Very good question, I have no freak’n clue. I was thinking maybe some how-to’s, projects, other nonsense. I guess we’ll just have to see where this goes.